The Blueprint: How to Create and Operate a Personal Hedgefund
Never Lose More than 4-6% in Any Stock Position Again, Use More Than Twelve Income Methods to "Bulletproof" Your Investment, and Milk Your Stock Assets for All They're Worth
What's the big problem with investing in the stock market?
Most traders and investors agree: if you could go back in time and keep your wins... but "edit" your losses, so that you never took a loss greater than 4-6%, it would be a better year.
But what if it was possible to enter positions in such a way that you could never lose more than single digits...but your upside was UNlimited?
What if when you stock starts to move just a little bit in the right direction, you could make an adjustment and "BULLETPROOF" your position so that your sccount can continue to grow, but it can't lose anymore?
Then you would truly have the "edge" that all investors and traders dream of.
Surprisingly, there IS a course that teaches exactly this:
- How to begin a "RPM" -- RadioActive Profit Machine trade -- with no more than 4-6% of your capital in the trade at risk
- How to use as many as TWELVE "Income Methods" to convert the risk from 4-6% to 0% (BULLETPROOF) in the right conditions
- How to maximize your return by using "nested spread trades" - unique plays that risk no capital when done according to The Blueprint
So if you're ready to take your investing to a whole new level... while at the same time risking teeny amounts of capital...
Get The Blueprint!
- Learn how to set up any trade so your risk is 4-6% MAXIMUM-- even less if you already own the stock and it's up a bit
- How to keep your upside open so that you have unlimited profit potential
- Use Income Methods #1 thru #12 to "Bulletproof" your stock holdings so there is no longer possibility of loss, but still room to grow.
- What about after you are Bulletproof? Using Income Methods and combinations of Income Methods to augment your returns further
BONUS: Special instructions on how to set up a "bulletproof from the beginning" trade that can play either side of the market.
The Blueprint discusses the foundations and specifics for setting up a long-term married put, full discussion of the 12 different income methods (what they are, when to use them, what pitfalls to avoid), real examples of each Income Method at work, and management techniques for each of the Income Methods.
- Over 250 pages detailing step by step how to implement the RadioActive Trading Strategies.
- But broken down to bite-sized pieces that any investor can learn
- 12 Income Methods that pull REAL CASH out of a stock position, while letting it continue to grow
- A Special Chapter on Combining Income Methods. This chapter details everything!
- Several Appendices including chart reading and an Income Method Decision Table
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In the meantime, check the Table of Contents below for a taste of what's to come:
Your Instructor
Kurt Frankenberg is an author and speaker about martial arts, entrepreneurship, and trading the stock and options markets. Since 2008 he has presented lectures on limited risk trading and "Bulletproofing", a unique process that can remove all risk from stock ownership, but allow you to maximize growth and income.